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Jeez, how good it was to meet you in São João.

He followsus on the networks (@revistaassumpreto),commentin our posts,publishyour photo on Instagram and reminds you ofto markus @revistaassumpreto.You are important in our heart.

There is! See our series, reports, subscribe to our blog... come with us.

Photos by Kithi - Instagram @kithi.jornalista

OBS. It is already established that the photos published here are for people e  cultural producers, including Casa Preta Hub, to keep the memory of São João 2022. Therefore, the photos published here are exclusively for the respective people or family members to download and keep as a souvenir. The photos have copyright and image rights. They can only be used on social networks and other sites that do not belong to the corresponding owners of the image or artistic production displayed here.

A tradução é automática do Google. A interpretação correta só pode ser verificada na língua de origem, português.
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