I am 50 years old and very fond of daily discoveries. I am like a child who wants to experience everything. Art Educator and trained journalist, creating is my soul place. At Assum Preto Magazine I am the content director and do it all I do photographs, filming, video editing, texts, website editing, social networking, interviews, reports ... Everything in the spare time of the main job: the management of the company Mzad Events.
One color: blue
A song: "Dysrhythmia" - Martinho da Vila
One sentence: "Happiness does not just arrive at the finding, but it is part of the search process. Teaching and learning cannot take place outside of search, outside of beauty and joy." Paulo Freire
I'm 53 years old. I am Commercial Director and Technical Responsible for Mzad. I am the one who holds the wave of the company's assemblies so that Assum Preto can fly. When it is possible to film and photograph for Assum Preto.
One color: green
A song: "Girl from Ipanema" Tom Jobim
A book: The Alchemist of Paulo Coelho
A film: To the Master with Affection by James Clavell
One sentence: "Sound and silence form harmony" Lao Tse

I am 15 years old and amooooooo traveling, social networks, tasty foods. I'm in the 9th grade and I study theater, I want to be an actress. At Assum Preto I collaborate with photos, with social networks, with the creation of the website, with drawings, with image effects.
One color: red
A song: Poem of the Eyes of the Beloved
Vinicius de Moraes, Paulo Soledade
A book: Eduardo Galeano's Upside Down World School
A film: Leon Hirszman's Ipanema Girl
One sentence: "calm is old from old age without patina" Vinícius de Morais
Tenho 26 anos sou da área de cinema e música. Aqui na Revista Assum Preto faço finalização das webséries, sou editor de áudio, criador de efeitos especiais, assistente em informática, faço gravação de áudios e crio músicas e rits.
Uma cor: branco
Uma música: as minhas

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da Revista Assum Preto