It's October 12th. Day to praise the Virgin Mary, one of the strongest feminine symbols in Brazil.
For nine days before the day of the patron saint of Brazil, the faithful of the Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora Aparecida, located in Imbuí, Salvador, meet to pray, honor and prepare, with more intensity, the great feast of devotion to the Mother of Jesus .
Flowers, costumes, theater, food, fireworks, songs, prayer ... in the clergy 's speech, among other themes, the call for family harmony, for the care of young people, for the peace between religions, for the attention of each one to his partner (a) and, especially, to the tradition: the Gratidão do Povo needs to return to the sea of Salvador.
Click here and help restore the Galeota Gratidão do Povo, a campaign launched by Archbishop Dom Murilo Krieger.
Each year a surprise is performed by the theater group at the sanctuary. This year the tribute to Bem Aventurada Dulce dos Pobres, the first Brazilian woman to be canonized, touched everyone.
The preparation includes everything from the logistics that allows pilgrims to receive to the detail of the mantle of Nossa Senhora Aparecida, which this year features drawings of fish and fishing net embroidered with golden thread, making reference to the history itself, the form that was found in 1717 on the Paraíba do Sul River by three fishermen.
Everything is thought out in the smallest details and joy seems to be the fuel of all those who serve Mother Aparecida.

Cloak with fishing net and fish
The flowers that decorate the procession's wings are brought by the community and are placed at the feet of Our Lady at the end of the Mass on October 11th. A ritual that takes place every year.

The organizers' desire for the procession is that all devotees of Mother Aparecida are dressed in one color. Year after year they try to achieve this goal by selling standardized shirts.
This year 4,000 wine-colored shirts have already been sold.
delivery of flowers
The theater group, set up by devotees of Nossa Senhora Aparecida, mostly young people, on the last day of the novena makes the emotion take over with the “presence” of the Blessed Dulce dos Pobres, a Bahian woman immortalized in the hearts of Brazilians.
The actress Jessica, representing Sr. Dulce, entered the church blessing and distributing rosaries, the sacred symbol of prayer to Our Lady. At the end, two miracles performed by Jesus through the intercession of Sister Dulce are staged, as the video below shows, Fabio Ximenes, researcher, writer and advisor of the theater group.

Theatrical staging and Fábio Ximenes talking about the miracles of Irmã Dulce
See the multimedia report on Irmã Dulce at Read More Ba
The procession comes. The moment awaited by all. In Andor Nossa Senhora Aparecida follows amid flowers, lights and the crowd.
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